30 Sept 2010

Chip parties with Diddy in Glasgow!

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Chip and Skepta

 Chip, Jammer(BBK), Diddy and Dirty money, Skepta  and Frisco(BBK)

Tonight Hip Hop Ledgend P Diddy and Dirty money performed a free concert in Glasgow for 1000 lucky people, this was the first concert in 5 years that Diddy has done in the UK! Diddy and Skepta then performed their Hello Goodmorning remix - Epic!
Chip then surprised the audience by appearing on the stage, and doing a few songs. After the concert the whole crew went to party!
Chip tweeted "Wow man.Thinking about where me and @Skepta started... Bloody heat fm... And we still love heat... Thanks God for blessing us!" 
We're all so proud of Skepta and Chip and all they have achieved!
UK Stand UP!
The show will be shown on Friday 8th October at 9pm on MTV.

29 Sept 2010

Shine Shine!

Look's like Skepta is joining Chip and the CM AR team in getting his bling on. Recently Chip went to view the first 'Boy Better Know' pendant with him.Check out the picture below. 
Shine Shine!

Chip at Pixie's Lipsy Collection launch party

Yesterday Chip and some of the team attended the launch of Pixie Lott's Lipsy Collection in the Movida Nightclub.

He tweeted "Pixie's lipsy launch was wiiiiiiiild! Peakers Galore still!" - looks like he enjoyed it.
Chip also mentioned to journalist Zoe Griffin that he has plan's to 'crack America' we all know Chip aims high and achieves. America needs to watch out, It's Mr Munk.

Check out pixie's collection here.

26 Sept 2010

Warm up track to be released on iTunes.

Chip has been talking about releasing a warm up track in November before he releases his first single, from the second album in January. He said that there will be a video to go with it and it will be released on iTunes for fans to download. We can't wait to see what he has in store for us, sounds like something major.

Change is coming like Chip said, stay tuned.

24 Sept 2010

Fan Friday : @NayFu_CM's Tattoo 'You only succeed if your hearts pure...'

Below is a picture of a tattoo inspired by Chip's amazing F64. It says 'You only succeed if your hearts pure...'

This is what Chip had to say about the tattoo "WOW! That's is love and dedication. @NayFu_CM's new tatt http://twitpic.com/2r9y83 < A quote from my F64... I love it! RT" and he went on to say that it "means so much to me... There's loads of quotes on album 2! That just brightened up my shit day! Luv u and all my#loyalmunks! X" 

 Chip's F64 has nearly 500,000 views. Watch it again below.

23 Sept 2010

Last Chance to vote!

Tonight the voting closes  for the BTDMAs we really need to win this. Please vote again and tell all your friends to vote. Click the picture below to vote for Chip Daily to win Best Fan site. All the support is appreciated. Click this link to vote for Chip to win Best male. http://www.btdma.com/public_voted_category.aspx?categoryid=7

22 Sept 2010

Question night on twitter with Chip - 22.09.10

Yesterday Chip did another one of his question/answer nights on twitter. Some great questions were asked.

Q. Favourite song you've ever released?
A. Diamond Rings.

Q. What do you want your legacy to be?
A. That In 10 years time ima still be the one to watch... That's my drive!
Q. But that means evolving with the times and staying relevant. Is it possible to do this, especially with grime music?
A. Ima do it... Just watch me... Being able to rhyme on anything is a gift that people take shots at... In 10years u will see who's left...

Q. What song from "I Am Chipmunk" do you think would of made it on to your 2nd album if you had just made it now?
A. Beast... Would fit in amazingly! Couple others but that the most!

Q. Who's your top 5 American\English rappers?
A. Andre 3000, Jay z, Lil Wayne, Kanye west and Eminem!

Q. What’s been the hardest thing for you to overcome in life?
A. The fear of how powerful I could become if I maintain this level of focus I have!

Q. How come you did your A levels when you were tasting success? Did you doubt your ability or were you just playing it safe?
A. It was just the normal thing to do... And I don't think I've tasted success yet! Yesterdays achievements are yesterday! 2mro is the focus!

Q. What is the key to a great live performance?
A. Owning the stage... Not performing on it!

Q. Your favourite Drake song ?
A. 9am in Dallas!

Q. Do you respect male fans like you do with the girl fans? And the vary of ages?
A. Yes I do! In 10 years time we will all still be young hahah! Grow with us #loyalmunks !!

Q. When you wrote sometimes did you know so much people would be able to relate to it?
A. Yup... Even tho I wrote it completely for myself.

Q. Was the lyric ‘blame it on me girl not the goose’ in the song ‘she likes to’ related to the song ‘blame it’ by Jamie Fox and T-pain?
A. Yup yup you got it!

Q. Which UK vocalist would u most like 2 work with?
A. Jessie j!

Q. Are you enjoying producing music more now you’re in the lime light, or when you were more underground grime?
A. No matter how far I go my mentality is that there's so much more to do! That's where others differ!

Q. Are you gonna make any more proper grime tunes like 64 bar statement?
A. No if I'm honest! That producer is in prison... And grime just aint the same as it was when it was Titch, Wiley, Doogz days...

Q. Who is the best white boy rapper/mc in the game right now
A.  I think it is Professor Green... I would bank on him all day... I've seen him battle before he crossed over! He's deadly!

Q. Would you say that your music defines you as a person?
A. Part of me... But I have so much more to offer to the industry other than my words and flows... Ima be a part of UK culture in a decade!

Q. Would you ever go out with a non celeb person?
A. Only if she was as driven as me!

Q. When you break mainstream, would you still drop sum grimy tracks for us chip?
A. Stay tuned for my next album.

Change is coming, and you munks are here to witness it, look out for the warm up track in November and the Single in January. C’s up...

18 Sept 2010

CMAR : Shalo launches website and mixtape.

Cash Motivations Shalo, launches his new website,check it out : http://www.flashyshalo.com
Also his new mixtape 'Prince of The Stereo' is out, click the picture below to download.

Cash Motivations/Alwayz Recording.

Do you guys remember this?

Change is coming...

Chip on The 5:19 show

Chip was on the 5:19 show today and incase you missed it the link is below.

Talay Riley on Chip (Flavour magazine interview)

Recently Talay did an interview with Flavour magazine, this is what he had to say on working with Chip, Oopsy Daisy and Look for Me.

"So before your album, you had written Look For Me and Oopsy Daisy for Chipmunk. How did you get involved with him?
I’d actually written Oopsy Daisy two years before Chipmunk got involved when I was unsigned. I was working on music with some friends and Chipmunk met them and he wanted to hear our stuff. We played him some of our newly written material and he wasn’t really feeling it, asked if there was anything else out came Oopsy Daisy…
What was Chipmunk like to work with?

He is very confident and sure about what he wants. Working with him helped me to see how much focus and energy is needed in the studio. "
Talay's new single 'Humanoid' is out on the 10th of october and Incase you haven't seen the video...

Looks like Talay could have another number to his name.

17 Sept 2010

Chip and some of The CMAR Family in LA.

Jazz Mane, Chip, Anisa, And Parker in LA.
Chip's in LA working on his second album with some of the family and some very big names in the industry They look like they're enjoying themselves.
Change is coming...

Vote Chip Daily to win BTDMA's for best fansite.

This would be a really great achievement if we could win this, make sure you vote chip to win best male also.
Thank you for the support.

Fan Friday : Picture by @EmmaMunkJM

15 Sept 2010

A Milli : Chip's career so far.

He believed and he achieved! Chip has sold over 1,000,000 singles. "That's 100000 sold." Well Chip it's more than that now. Chip has 7 mixtapes, 4 top 10 singles(Diamond Rings #6,Oopsy Daisy #1,Look for me #7 and Until you were gone #3) and 1 platinum album( I Am Chipmunk sold over 300,000 copies). He has done two UK tours( I Am Chipmunk and Shine Shine) all by the age of 19! That's absolutely amazing, we're all proud of you Chip.Time for the second album. There aint no stopping him now.
C's Up.

The Picture below is Chip's new plaque for selling over 1,000,000 singles.

12 Sept 2010

Chip gives Munk's a shoutout!

Early Sunday Morning/Saturday night, Chip decides to give a few Munks shoutouts, it was totally unexpected and what i think was a very sweet thing to do.

If he didn't shout you out, don't worry Chip loves all the Munks, and you are all Loyal! If you know you're a Loyal munk you are! Thank you all for supporting Chip and continue to do so, he loves each and every one of you. Like Chip said, if it wasn't for you guys "Chipmunk wouldn't be Chipmunk"

10 Sept 2010

Collaborations for second album?

Chip tweets that he is going to work with some the best UK artists mid october, it could be for a track on his album. Stay Tuned.

Question Night with Chip - 10.09.10

Chip talks about who is going to be on his 2nd album, what we are to expect from him, and how he feels about british public and good music.

Q.If you could do a song with any 3 rappers in the world, who would they be?
A.kanye west, lil wayne, eminem

Q. Confident next single will get to number 1?
A. Nope... My focus aint even on the charts as such. Just having fun.

Q.When are you looking at releasing the new album?
A. February... Warm up track drops sometime in November.

Q.is your new album about your life? As in talking about your experiences? Can you tell us that? 
A. it is inspired by things that have happened in my life... Yes!

Q.Why havent you worked on club bangers?
A.erm... I duno yano... My focus has never really been the clubs... More the life from my eyes... But I got some to come

Q. Do you plan on eventually expanding your brand? Acting... A record label... Clothing line maybe?
A.definately... So much to do before I'm 30 like Wiley lol [LOL chip can't help it can he?]

Q.Realistically before your time in the music scene has ended whos the main person you wanna collab with ?
A.Lauryn Hill and Kanye West.

Q.What can we expect from the 2nd Album?
A.Expect growth... Smashes... And hopefuly music one enjoys...

Q.Whats your fav song on I Am Chipmunk & why?
A. Interval... because not many people get it lol

Q.What are you looking to achieve with your next album?
A.bridge the gap between me and the those tryna catch me... And catch up to those infront of me! And let my sound grow with my age!

Q.What makes these upcoming songs better than the others and why is it your dream album?
A.wow! Because I feel like I've always been able to put words together... But I've musicaly found myself now! I'm not experimenting

Q.Who's on the new album?
A.Just my team... Usual suspects.

Q.Who would you die for ? 
A.A cause!

Q.Will you ever release your music outside of the UK!?
A. one day I'll be world wide :)

Q.What do you think about the british public/media not appreciating good music, like Wretch,SAS etc?
A.They do... It's just liking and actualy going to buy music is 2 different stories! We all tryna push it further.

Q.How would u feel about a load of munks coming together to celebrate the support we all have for you ?
A.All you main 1s are gonna come to my listening party for my 2nd album! Minimal people, press, couple fans, dj's etc

Q.Have you ever got emotional whilst writing/recording any of your songs?
A.I couldn't listen to dear family at all! Still don't listen to it. Performing it was an emotional chore!

Q.Where do you find all your inspiration from?
A. From the fear of being a failure!

Q.Are you gonna work with Chris Brown??
A.I'd like to...

Q. Do you play an instrument??
A.Use to play recorder and guitar! But I quit!

Q.Have you reached all the goals you set when you started mc'in? and what would you like to acheive in the near future?
 A.No... So much more to do! I'm hungry... I need to see how far I can take this shit! I'm too smart to just rap/mc! 

Q.Confident next single will get to number 1?
A. Nope... My focus aint even on the charts as such. Just havin fun.

Q.You're my idol and you inspire me. How does that make you feel? 
A.Responsible... Like I can't let you down. 

That's the end of the question night with Chip, stay tuned cause i'm sure he'll be doing more. 

9 Sept 2010

Chip at Mobo Awards Nominations Launch '10

Chip was nominated for Best UK Act and Best Album. Good Luck to the rest of the Nominees.

8 Sept 2010

Mobo Awards Nominations '10

Chip has just been nominated for Best UK Act and Best Album for the Mobo Awards 2010. We gotta make sure he wins it, while you're at it, also vote for Chip to win Best Male Artist at the BT Digital Music Awards. [ http://www.btdma.com/public_voted_category.aspx?categoryid=7
Vote here for the Mobo's  : http://www.mobo.com/voting 

The Full list of  2010 MOBO awards nominees are:

Best Newcomer

Tinie Tempah
Professor Green

Best UK Act

Tinie Tempah
Jay Sean
Tinchy Stryder
Taio Cruz
Roll Deep
M.I.A Dizzee Rascal
Alexandra Burke
Plan B
Leona Lewis

Best Song

Taio Cruz ft Ke$ha - 'Dirty Picture'
Tinie Tempah - 'Pass Out'
N-Dubz ft Mr Hudson - 'Playing With Fire'
Mark Ronson & The Business INTL ft Q-Tip & MNDR - 'Bang, Bang, Bang'
Professor Green ft Ed Drewett - 'I Need You Tonight'
Best UK R&B / Soul

Natalie Williams
Corinne Bailey Rae
Plan B

Best UK Hip Hop / Grime

Professor Green

Best International Act

Alicia Keys
Jay Z
Janelle Monae
Black Eyed Peas
Nicki Minaj
Jason Derulo
Lil Wayne
Travie McCoy
Trey Songz

Best Reggae

Damian Marley
Vybz Kartel

Best Album

Plan B – 'The Defamation of Strickland Banks'
N-Dubz - Against All Odds'
Chipmunk – 'I Am Chipmunk'
Dizzee Rascal – 'Tongue N' Cheek'

Best Video

Mark Ronson & The Business INTL ft Q-Tip & MNDR - 'Bang, Bang, Bang'
Tinie Tempah ft Labrinth – 'Frisky'
Tinchy Stryder – 'You’re Not Alone'
Alesha Dixon – 'Drummer Boy'
Dizzee Rascal – 'Dirtee Disco'

Best African Act

K'Naan (Somalia)
P-Square (Nig)
Hip Hop Pantsula (SA)
JJC (Nig)
Banky W. (Nig)
Concha Buika (Equatorial Guinea)
Mulatu Astatke (Ethiopia)
Wanlov the Kubolor (Ghana)
Angélique Kidjo (Benin)
M3NSA (Ghana)
Yuri Da Cunha (Angola)
Tinny (Ghana)
Waldemar Bastos (Zimbabwe)
Staff Benda Bilili (Congo-Kinshasa)
BLK JKS (South Africa)

Best Gospel Act

Faith Child
Guvna B
Rachel Kerr
Jake Isaac
Beverley Trotman
Best Jazz Act

Robert Glasper - 'Double Booked'
Brad Mehldau - 'Highway Rider'
Empirical - 'Out 'n' In'
Phronesis – 'Alive'
John McLaughlin – 'To the One'

1 Sept 2010

Marvell 'Shine Shine' Tour video diary PT2

Second album dates revealed.

Chip reveals the dates of when the second album is looking to be released, i can't wait, Chip continuously states that his second album is going to be epic, and great.Mr Wizzy Wow says abour the album '...just left @ChipmunkArtist da few tracks frm da album left me speechless too #sicka' and Max from 1xtra says 'Omg @chipmunkartist has something so big wow I'm so excited noone will see this coming'.I'm looking forward to it, i know Chip never disappoints! Stay tuned for the name of the second album which should be coming later on.