18 Sept 2010

Talay Riley on Chip (Flavour magazine interview)

Recently Talay did an interview with Flavour magazine, this is what he had to say on working with Chip, Oopsy Daisy and Look for Me.

"So before your album, you had written Look For Me and Oopsy Daisy for Chipmunk. How did you get involved with him?
I’d actually written Oopsy Daisy two years before Chipmunk got involved when I was unsigned. I was working on music with some friends and Chipmunk met them and he wanted to hear our stuff. We played him some of our newly written material and he wasn’t really feeling it, asked if there was anything else out came Oopsy Daisy…
What was Chipmunk like to work with?

He is very confident and sure about what he wants. Working with him helped me to see how much focus and energy is needed in the studio. "
Talay's new single 'Humanoid' is out on the 10th of october and Incase you haven't seen the video...

Looks like Talay could have another number to his name.

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