8 Oct 2010

Change is coming... Chip and Dot Rotten.

Is this the start of change? Chip has sorted out problems with grime MC  Dot Rotten.Over the last few weeks, there has been controversy surrounding them two, Chip addressed Dot Rotten in his 'woo riddim' where he say's "i'm as rotten as rotten, but i just dress better". Any conflicts between the two have now been sorted, as we witnessed it on twitter early this morning Chip started by saying.... 
"There's a few airs I feel I need to clear as person or at least attempt to before I start my new journey.... So here goes nothing..."
Rotten then replied hours later.
It's great to see that these two have sorted out their problems, like Chip say's , "onwards and upwards", Positive energy, change is coming...

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