8 Nov 2010

Question night on twitter with Chip - 08.11.10

Q. Do you ever wish you wasnt famous? and lived a normal life?
 A.Hmm sometimes

Q.What advice wud u give 2 young people who wanna break into music?
A.Just be urself I guess. Its the only way 

Q.What's the best & worst thing about being famous?
A.The ups are realy high... And the downs are really low

Q.Are you biggie or pac?
A.I'm a fan of both equaly

Q.Do you ever want to go back to making tunes like who are you? or are you just gonna stick with the commercial style u got now?
A.I'm never gonna go backwards and do something that I've done before. I'm always gonna explore sounds. My next album sounds different.

Q.Who do you see as your closest competition?
A.Erm... Always racing myself if I'm honest.

Q.Why have you changed so much?
A.Erm... I'm still the same person. My family and friends will tell u that.

Q.Are you proud of your new album?

Q.Should we expect a grime oriented project by you anytime soon?
A. Don't expect

Q.When did u think 'yeah I'm actually really good!'?
A.My F64 kinda reminded me I can do this words stuff at a high level.

Q.Ultimate goal?
A.To never fail!

Q.Any proper emotional songs on the new album that could have the same effect on me that 'role model' did?

Q.Is your new album better than 'I am chipmunk' cuz that's one of my fav albums ever!
A.Its grown from the 1st one! I'll let u decide :)

Q.Whats the new single about?
A.Thursday all will be revealed.

*Flying high will be premiered on radio for the first time this thursday stay tuned.

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