12 Jan 2011

Fun with Chip - Question time!

Chip decides to answer some questions on Twitter.

Did you get SUPER gassed when you met Chris Brown?
A: no loool! I was coool mang!
When u fart do u lean to the left or right ?
A:errrrm... I ask someone to pull my finger hehehe!
Where were you sat or stood when you thought about taking music seriously enough to get a record deal ?
A: In my accounting lesson in college cause it was jaaaaaaring(annoying/long) dude lol

When it looks like there's  no options how do u keep going? 
A:I just ask God man... He always finds some kinda path for me! 

Would you bang (have sex with) Susan Boyle for £1,000,000,000? hahhaha 
A: All I'm saying is I'm a hustler lol 

If you really needed to get somewhere and there was no cabs running or no one could pick you up would you get on a bus?
A:Yessss I would catch a bus! Couple months ago I got on a tube just to remember those days! Hehe

How did u feel when u met Chris Brown for the first time? Is he cool?
A:Yuup he cool! Lol 

How do you feel every time someone gives you more publicity by sending for you?
A:Relevant lool 

Do you like baked beans?
A: Yeaaaaah! On jacket potato with cheeeese! 

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