14 Apr 2011

Chip's Interview with Pop Dash!

Just 4 day's 'ntil Chip's second album is released..
In this interview Chip talks about Transition, his growth, Meeting Diddy, his tattoos and more.

PopDash: How did you find making your new album ‘Transition’ in comparison to your first? Obviously you have a lot less time to make a second album...

I enjoy the pressure so in that sense it was easier. Also, I knew exactly the direction I wanted to take so I was very focussed on what I was doing. 

PopDash: Did you enjoy the time constraints then?

Yeah, definitely. The deadline thing is never a problem for me, I just like to get out all of my emotions at the time I’m feeling them so this album was a great opportunity for me to do that.

PopDash: How do you feel you’ve grown as an MC?

My life has changed and I’ve grown up as a person and that’s reflected on this new album. It doesn’t show as much in my skills like metaphors and rhymes but more the subject matter and what I’m talking about in my verses. 

PopDash: What are some of the topics you’re covering on the new songs?
It’s a very optimistic album, I’m talking about life skills, opportunity, enthusiasm, the highs and the lows of being a young guy like myself.

PopDash: Would you say it’s a very personal album?

It’s a very personal album, it’s heart on the sleeve stuff. It’s not one of those moany albums at all! It’s exciting and exuberant.

PopDash: What is your favourite song on the album?

I’m really proud of a track called ’Picture Me’. That song makes me fly. 

PopDash: You have some amazing guest stars on the album (Diddy Dirty Money, Chris Brown, Keri Hilson, Trey Songz to name a few). How did they all come about?

Off the back of my last album a lot of people seemed to understand what I’m about and the compromises I’ve made to get to this album. They warmed to me as a person wanted to get involved with it and me. 

PopDash: Did you record the whole album in Los Angeles?

No, we did half there and half back in London.

PopDash: Does a song that’s made in LA sound different to one that’s made in a studio in London?

Absolutely not. The songs I’ve made in London is as powerful as the stuff I made in America. It’s all mixed and mastered to the very highest degree. 

PopDash: You’ve worked with Kaleena from Diddy Dirty Money on the song ‘White Lie’. We saw some pictures of you partying with Diddy earlier this year and were wondering what it’s like hanging out with someone as iconic as him?

I felt the same meeting him as I did all the guests on my album really. A lot of people ask me if I pinch myself when I think about how far I have come but I never do. What I do though is reflect and when I think back to being ten and being a massive Puff Daddy fan it’s hard to believe that we’re socialising and working together. 

PopDash: Did he offer you any advice when you met?

He said, *does slightly dodgy American accent* “Look young’un, you’ve got global appeal so remember that and let it influence your music”. 

PopDash: Is that global appeal something that’s important to you?

It is. I want to take British council boy culture and take it to different territories. One  of the things that surprised Diddy when he met me was that he said I didn’t seem like an alien. I think a lot of people have an idea that Britain is all about teacups and traditions like that and it’s just not. 

PopDash: We couldn’t help noticing you have a LOT of tattoos since we last saw you? What do they mean to you, particularly the clock you have on your chest.

The clock shows the time as being twenty past three and that was always a very significant time in my life. My school days are what made me who I am, they gave me the life skills that I couldn’t have got anywhere else. Twenty past three was the time that I finished school in Tottenham every day and that time of the day always makes me think of being back there and the lessons they taught me. 

PopDash: Would you say you are addicted to getting them? People get a bit obsessed don’t they? 

I wouldn’t say addicted, I just get them if I want them

PopDash: Are you planning on getting more?

Chipmunk: Yeah, next I’m getting my back and my legs done. I don’t think I’d ever get my neck done though, I’ll try to keep that clean I reckon.

PopDash: As you mentioned earlier, you’re from Tottenham and along with Adele it feels like that part of London is ruling the charts at the moment!
Yeah it really is, plus Wretch 32 is from there too. 

PopDash: What’s it like when you go back there?

I get mad love you know? People go crazy, I feel really lucky to have that in my home town.

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