14 Sept 2011

Chipmunk 'ytinas' (Poem)

Chip took to Twitter in the early hours to express his feelings in a poem called 'YTINAS' - 
Which is sanity backwards, check it out below..

When you feel that white is black, and normal is now unusual, and odd suits you as getting even doesn't solve the sum, God answers your questions, silly you forgetting the answers.
Everything you stand for potentially could leave you legless, 
That moment you were stress less, seemed so perfect,
Key word: seems, but is it all what it seems? You tell me.  
You pray for everything, everything comes, 
Then a smile turns to a frown, 
It felt better with nothing, 
Issues with trusting,
Trusting with issues, 
Old friends don't miss you, pass me a tissue. 
For tears made of steel, a face saying appeal, 
Scared to say how you feel, you aint keeping real. 
There's even answers to rhetorical questions,
Time flies, hopefully to heaven. 
God mess.
I mean God bless. 

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